Improving Financial Health Of Your Business
As an entrepreneur one will come across various challenges in managing a business, however, financial aspects top the list and rank most critical. One needs to pay utmost care and attention in carefully planning and monitoring aspects that affect the financial health of the business. There are steps to guide you in better management of your finances so you can see your dream to its end, without getting trapped in a financial mess.
Just as we keep check on the vital parameters of our personal health, it is equally important to understand the key financial parameters of your business. Keep close watch and check on the revenue inflows and outflows to understand what is coming in and for what purpose it is spent. Though it is basic, it is very critical. Have a structured dashboard with the help of your CFO Services for regular review and understanding
2. Prudence in spending:
Spending less than what you earn is the wisest action one can take. Margins and Profits can be increased not just by increasing the sales price and revenue, but also by prudent action on cost optimization. Best deals with suppliers, Careful planning of Fixed Expenses, Outsourcing mundane, non-critical activities will help the business in trimming down its expenses.
3. Diligent Invoicing and Collections:
Regular invoicing with clearly agreed terms will help a long way in improving relationships with customers & also faster realization of money. Profits are real only when money is realized. The slow rate of collection is the strain on the working capital needs of the business. Designing a simple and transparent receivable realization process is of utmost importance to ensure receivables do not turn bad and uncollectable.
4. Long Term Plans:
Having long terms plans for where you want to see the business financially, will help identify growth opportunities. Designing a growth plan, drawing Financial Projections, and analyzing the financial performance periodically will offer valuable insight on how well you are progressing towards your goal, what corrections are required and how goals need to be realigned.
5. Identify the right source of funding:
You must choose the right type of finance for your business – each type of finance is designed to meet different needs. Smaller businesses usually rely more on business overdrafts and personal funding but this might not be the best kind of funding for your business. Drawing Fund Projections in line with Financial Projections will help you identify the long-term and short-term financial needs and decide on the source of funding.
Risks are an inevitable part of life and business is no different. Identifying, foreseeing, and designing plans for the mitigation of risks is a prudent way of safeguarding financial losses. Risk Management plans should form part of the long-term objective of the business.
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of your business, an expert in Business Finance matters, is a part of the Visionary Team envisioning achievement of the Financial Goals of the business. The CFO supports the Management Team in providing the appropriate and timely guidance in taking crucial decisions fully aligned with the Long Term Vision and Goals of the business. The CFO also plays a key role in designing appropriate Financial Controls to ensure the Financial Resources are effectively deployed to maximum returns leading to the creation of wealth.
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