Virtual CFO Services aimed at Business Sustenance and Growth

 Every organization be it a Large Corporation or a Start-Up or a Mid-Size requires a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Most small & mid-sized organizations hire a Controller & NOT a CFO & mostly are unaware of the services carried out by a CFO & the different skill sets required to carry out the Virtual CFO Services.

One of the more popular facts is that 90% of the Start-Ups fail, out of 10% businesses that survive, fewer than 50% of these businesses make it their fifth year & further only 33% of them make it to their tenth year & another interesting fact to note is 40% of failure is due to Cash Flow Problems.

Thus one of main problem keeping the business from growing into a profitable venture is FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT & a typical Controller would not be completely equipped to financial management functions & thereby putting the Organization at huge Risk. A Controller is highly skilled to tackle your book-keeping & establishing Internal Controls & compliance issues, however may not be adept in tackling certain CFO Services such Strategic Planning, Budgeting etc.

The Finance Department functions mainly involves the below activities:

Thus there are certain CFO Services which required specialized skills to help drive the Strategic planning & thereby every organization needs a CFO. However hiring a Virtual CFO who can start providing the organization & their board of directors the kind of valuable information to enable the organization to achieve the required growth won’t come cheap & would involve huge financial commitment for a small & growing Company.

Thus it makes sense for small & mid-sized companies to outsource the CFO Services of the organizations to Virtual CFO Firms.


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